Model Railroads
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These are some scenes taken in the late 60's at the
Miniature Railroad Club of York, in York, Pa.


This is looking from control position 3 on the branch line toward the classification yard. The branch line are the front tracks. The main line are the track on the left.


This is branch line board 1 position. As you can see there is a small mining yard that is operated at this position. The operator has the option of pulling his train into this yard and conducting switching operations, or operating his train on the branch line. Once he pulls into the yard, however, he needs the dispatchers' permission to leave the yard and only the dispatcher controls the switch to let him out.


This train is just coming off the large hand built trestle that forms most of the turn around to send main line North bound trains Southbound.


This is a scratch built model of how the reactor vessel was transported to it's destination. And yes, it was going to Three Mile Island. I saw them transport the actual vessel just outside of it's final destination. It was quite impressive to see and that's what prompted the model builder. This was about 5 years before Three Mile Island became so famous.


A write up in the local York paper about the show that was held around Christmas time, with a picture of the layout that was raffled off to raise money. The layout was 4x8 with all hand laid track and screen and plaster scenery. It was also heavy as hell. MRRCoYNewsPhotoThumb.jpg (8638 bytes)




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